State officials may be using Ricky Gray execution to bring back electric chair
Corrections officials have said they have two lethal doses of the first drug in the deadly cocktail needed for execution. They have also said they do not have enough of the first-step drug for the execution.
Execute Like It’s 1908
By Dale Brumfield
In 1908, Virginia legislators patted themselves on the back for “progressive” law #398, introduced by Henrico Delegate Throckmorton, titled “An Act to establish a permanent place in the State penitentiary at Richmond Virginia for the execution of felons upon whom the death penalty is to be imposed, and to change the mode of execution so that the death sentence shall be by electricity,” and passed March 16 of that year.
The Death Penalty Endgame
By The Editorial Board

(Credit: Daniel Zender)
How does the death penalty in America end?
For decades that has been an abstract question. Now there may be an answer in the case of Shonda Walter, a 36-year-old black woman on Pennsylvania’s death row. On Friday, the Supreme Court met to discuss whether to hear a petition from Ms. Walter, who is asking the justices to rule that in all cases, including hers, the death penalty violates the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishments.