Abolish the Death Penalty
I strongly dispute the argument made by Cal Thomas in his recent Op/Ed column, “Executing the guilty and innocent in Arkansas.” He suggests that “capital punishment is a matter of justice and just deserts. It is justice for the dead and his or her relatives and it is just deserts for the murderer.”
Op-Ed: Virginia’s dark legacy of secrecy about executions
The newly enhanced secrecy behind Virginia’s capital punishment protocols underscores a legacy of death born in institutionalized racism that upcoming executions — including that of Ivan Teleguz, scheduled April 25 — do not just prolong, but exacerbate.
An act of compassion for the mentally ill
LAST YEAR, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law wrote about the conviction and sentencing of Russell Brown, a Virginia man who had been “talking in fantastical and paranoid ways,” eating bark and obsessing over conspiracy Read More >>